Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Not much on moving day is as hilarious, or as frustrating, as the sound of silence when you go to turn over the engine. Especially when it is silence after seven hours of packing and as you're finally in the car ready to head off to the left coast and its been a day of throwing things out, packing and repacking, sorting, crying....................mostly Tess, ok all Tess, and rushing to drive two hours in the opposite direction to see a good friend that just had a birthday. So as it was, at 4:30 on departure day when we were ready to leave, we were instead sitting on the grass beside the Jeep, with its hood up like the jaw of a hippo, waiting for AAA [triple A auto] to arrive to give us a boost. Apparently the battery had died, or so we thought. We hadnt even put the car in reverse and there needed to be a call to get a boost. It ended up being a frayed attachment piece to the battery, which after we went down to the auto-parts depot. and spent the $3.29 on the part, ended up being an easy fix; thankfully. But it still added an additional two hours on top of the packing and cleaning. Ahh good times to be sure. The only saying that came to mind was 'it can only get better from here'.

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